While strolling along "Cabernet Lane" with its whopping ten grapevines, a pleasant surprise was nestled amongst the Cabernet Sauvignon leaves and grape blossoms: a sweet little nest with three perfect baby-blue eggs!

It was such a delight to find these eggs while gathering information for the upcoming Potager Progress Report. The Cabernet Sauvignon blossoms appeared earlier than expected, but this year's weather has been unusual. The neighboring Cabernet Franc vines are full of clusters but not yet blooming. Then again, it seems that way every year. As for the rest of the vines, there are potential clusters on all the varieties except Chasselas, which has proven to be the most temperamental compared to the others. One of the Chasselas vines appeared to die over winter, but it is an own-root vine, so its beautiful lacy foliage is emerging near the ground. A few Brianna vines near the potager did not return, so they have been pulled to make way for haricot verts (French green beans). However, the slightly larger vineyard is full of happy Brianna vines, based on my husband's reporting and my glances from a distance. Long story as to why I have not visited those vines this year.
As for the other vines surrounding the potager, the America vines are thriving, but there are some concerning developments with one planted in a somewhat shady area. The seedless varieties are doing better than ever. Even the Muscadine Mystery Seed is doing well, but I do not anticipate clusters any time soon.
Now I must return to the Potager Progress Report, which I hope to provide soon!