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Following the Scent of a Rose

This Floramont Journal is now devoted to the lovely world of roses! Earlier this year, this journal concluded the Twelve Days of Christmas Series about Roses. That experience led to the realization that roses bring more beauty and joy than any other topics that have been explored in this journal. We need more beauty in this world, so let's bring on the roses!

Yellow rose

Hopefully, you will enjoy being immersed into this world of floral beauty for the next few months. We may explore the history behind various roses, especially those with ties to France! Due to Floramont's location in the southeastern United States, there will be discussion about how certain roses endure our heat, humidity, and pests. It would be nice to explore rose gardens in other locations, too, so perhaps you will find something to add to your travel list. Wherever you are in the world, remember to stop and savor the fragrance of roses.

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