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Generations of Vineyards in Provence

Spring grape blossoms Cabernet Sauvignon
Spring Blossoms of Cabernet Sauvignon

Originally, I was hoping to write about my LaTulippe ancestors originating from Aix-en-Provence in France. I thought having ancestors with such a nice, flowery name would be perfect for an article about Provence, but this branch of the family tree has proven to be a bit elusive. I should have known there were issues when I had problems locating the baptismal certificate of the LaTulippe ancestor who immigrated from Québec to Maine. While numerous other records prove the existence of Marie-Alixte LaTulippe, it is never easy to find or translate her records. They always seem to have some exception to the rules when analyzing historical documents of her era. Sometimes, you just have to accept when an ancestor seemingly wants you to look in another direction. So, her records have been set aside for another day, and I had better luck with records further back, but I approached another brick wall when tracing the LaTulippe family to France. Luckily, there are all sorts of lovely distractions when researching Provence!

The winding road, figuratively speaking, led me to Château la Tulipe Noire, a vineyard and winery located southeast of Aix-en-Provence. It is led by a young winemaker, Audrey Baccino, who learned valuable lessons as a youth while standing alongside her father, Alain. Her family, consisting of six generations, has been in the winemaking business since the year 1900. The original winery, Domaine des Pierecèdes, has the slogan, "Vignerons de Père en Fille" translated as "Winegrowers from father to daughter." They offer a wide range of rosé, and as it turns out, Provence is known for specializing in this type of wine.

Perhaps you are wondering why there is a photo of a Cabernet Sauvignon grape blossom? As I was researching vineyards in Provence, I was surprised to learn that Cabernet Sauvignon is also grown in this region, not just the other well-known areas of France. This grape is included in some of the region's rosé blends. Besides, it is currently Spring, and I am hoping to see more grape blossoms like this one! I will call it my little piece of Provence!


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