This post is a bit late due to taking a French-like break in August. However, this new rose has not taken a break. As a matter of fact, it has started to flourish now that Japanese Beetles have disappeared. This deep-pink beauty is known as the Della Reese rose.
It is easy to see why this rose was named after the famed actress. It would be nice to include details about Della Reese here, but these days, sources are not always accurate. Rather than repeat potential misinformation, I hope you are already familiar with her much-lauded acting career. This rose seems to show the same tenacity as Della Reece, and it has out-performed many of the other roses in the garden. Admittedly, stalwarts like the Peace rose and the highly scented Double Delight have been performing well, but others are feeling the heat, humidity, and another lack of rain, which they endured earlier this season.
Back to the Della Reese rose, there is contradictory information online about its lineage. I was hoping to do a deep dive into this fabulous rose, and perhaps a French rose or two would have been discovered. When I could not confirm anything, I started to wonder, does it even matter? All we know is that this rose is beautiful. Sure, it matters to rose breeders, but for an everyday person like me, perhaps it is best to simply enjoy the beauty at a glance.